“This isn't the feared 'drug' you've been programmed to believe is the root of all evil. This is a medicine the ancestors have safely used for millennia to heal from myriad dis-ease.”

Erin Taylor, RN, dietitian, medicine woman 

Brace Yourself for the Most Mind-Opening Article on the Side Effects of Magic Mushrooms You'll Ever Read

This Changes Everything

Are you curious about the side effects of magic mushrooms but feeling a bit overwhelmed by mixed messages?

You're certainly not alone.

Many health-conscious individuals like yourself, searching for alternative healing methods, often wonder about the safety and side effects of psychedelic mushrooms.

With this article, we'll dig deep into the real effects of magic mushrooms, shedding light on their minimal side effects when cultivated and consumed correctly.

Whether you're new to this realm or looking to expand your knowledge, I've got you covered!

side effects of magic mushrooms

"Be aware of transference and countertransference around a sacred mushroom ceremony..." 

My mentor Kristina Hunter advised me before our women’s retreat.

Transference is the redirection of feelings about a specific person onto someone else (in therapy, this refers to a client's projection of their feelings about someone else onto their therapist).

Countertransference is the redirection of a therapist's feelings toward the client.

I did witness AND experience this with several of my clients, staff and within myself around our retreat. 

To clarify further...

Everything feels more sensitive around magic mushrooms. 

This is the dropping of the ego protection. 

This which feels more sensitive is simply an invitation from the mushrooms to explore further... 

Magic mushrooms dig deeper than anything into the psyche, according to my teacher Francoise Bourzat. 

So, naturally it makes sense that the energies dug up with mushrooms are projected onto those who mirror those parts of you needing healing. 

This is why healing in community is essential.

Often it is impossible to see something within ourselves until someone on our path shows it to us. 

The most common side effects of psilocybin are transient anxiety, nausea, and mild increases in heart rate and blood pressure. These effects are typically well-tolerated and resolve quickly.

Matthew W. Johnson, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (Johnson et al., 2018)

First off, it's essential to understand what magic mushrooms are. 

Known scientifically as psilocybin mushrooms, they contain the psychoactive compounds psilocybin and psilocin

These substances are known for their ability to induce altered states of consciousness, often resulting in profound experiences of self-growth and spiritual expansion

From a historical perspective, the medicine has been used for healing. 

So, when used for reasons out of alignment with the medicine itself, there are sure to be less than desirable outcomes.

Set and setting are imperative when it comes to consuming magic mushrooms. 

One study found the most common acute side effects of psilocybin were changes in visual perception (77%), difficulty concentrating (75%), mood alteration (66%), and thoughts of reference (63%) (Studerus et al., 2011).

Proper preparation, cleansing and detoxing for a large dose journey is essential. 

Why? Because what you take into the cave with you directly impacts your journey:

  • social media 
  • negative thinking 
  • toxic people 
  • toxic diet 
  • toxins 
  • news 
  • work 

Meaning...don't dilute the healing and messages from the mushrooms with outside data you will inevitably digest with the mushrooms. 

But that's just it with the mushrooms. 

You never know what you're going to get. Just remember, everything you get with the mushrooms is FOR you…

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The side effects of magic mushrooms are very mild compared to any pharmaceutical.  

Pharmaceuticals are far from being benign people! 

Most "side effects" of magic mushrooms are emotional, hallucinogenic, and can be mildly physical as well. 

But that is known when we take them for healing in the proper set and setting, with reverent intention to the medicine and journey.

Trust me, as a medical professional for over 2 decades, when I say the average of 6 pharmaceuticals each American is on is exponentially more of a risk concern to me than the nearly non-existent side effects of magic mushrooms!!!

Common side effects of magic mushrooms might include mild nausea or an upset stomach, especially if the mushrooms are taken in gel capsule form. 

This drives me nuts!!

Human digestion of all mushrooms begins in the mouth with salivary enzymes needed to start the breakdown of the tough, durable chitin found within all mushroom cell walls. 

If this essential part of the digestive process is bypassed, you are basically dumping a bunch of undigested mushroom material into a gut not equipped to digest the food at this point. 

No shit you have a stomach ache. 

This gastrointestinal discomfort can be mitigated by proper preparation, such as making a mushroom tea or using a lemon tek method. 

Reports of nausea and "mushy tummy" can come from poorly grown and harvested mushrooms. 


Nausea and vomiting from mushrooms can come from mold, if grown improperly, which happens A LOT.

Another reason to grow your own mushrooms, people!

Visual alterations are another common “side effect” of psychedelic mushrooms.

You might see colors appear more vivid and patterns taking on a life of their own. 

side effects of magic mushrooms

While this can initially seem disorienting, it's usually viewed as a fascinating part of the journey.

Many people find these visual effects to be not only bearable but also quite enjoyable.

Larger doses might drop your blood pressure, so be aware of that.

Click here to read Part 2 and learn about medication interactions with psilocybin. 

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Gift us a like below! Spread the healing spores. 

Shroom Mystic

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