
by Jay W
(Santa Fe, NM)

Initially my fear was about drug testing for my work. I have a normal job, work hard and like 99%of Americans, I need my paychecks to survive. So I was worried that if I micro dosed mushrooms that I may get popped on a random drug test.
As I learned more about how much good a micro dose of Magic Mushrooms could do for my brain, stress, soul, etc, etc, etc (in large part because of this website, so thank you ShroomMystic)….. so, I began to do research, and what I learned is the mushroom is water soluble, and in micro levels, leaves your body within approx 24 hours if not sooner, even in a big dose…. And they aren’t even testing for shrooms ..
No more fear, I micro dose many times a week, and it has helped me with stress, and I feel sharper mentally compared to 6 months ago when I started microdosing.
No Fear here! Anymore! Everyone should try Shrooms !!

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Jul 20, 2024

by: Erin

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