Cordyceps Mushrooms: The Zoom Zoom Shroom

Have you started your day with Cordyceps mushrooms yet? 

Known as the "Himalayan gold," these fungi have been a cornerstone of traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine for centuries.

Cordyceps mushrooms, particularly Cordyceps sinensis, were historically so valued for their medicinal benefits that their price could surpass that of gold by weight. 

These fascinating fungi, which actually start life as a caterpillar larva before morphing into a mushroom, pack a healthy punch that’s worth exploring!

Stick with me, and by the end of this journey, you’ll feel empowered in your health journey and eager to try out these wonder mushrooms. 

Packed with important nutrients and compounds, Cordyceps mushrooms are considered one of the best medicinal mushrooms due to their laundry list of wellness benefits.

Cordyceps mushroom Zombie fungus

Cordyceps mushrooms: Nature's most intelligent fungus with unparalleled health benefits

To understand the surprising intelligence of fungi, consider this fascinating fact about medicinal Cordyceps mushrooms... 

This mushroom begins its life cycle as a spore that latches onto a caterpillar, ant, or other insect.

It then grows, feeding off its host, and eventually forming a small mushroom that resides on the host's back for most of its life.

When it's time to reproduce, the Cordyceps mushroom exhibits almost sci-fi-like behavior by manipulating its host's behavior, compelling it to climb to a high point like a flower or tree.

This eerie manipulation ensures the host remains elevated until its death.

From the deceased host’s head, the Cordyceps fungus emerges and disperses its spores from this height to maximize spread. 

Throughout this process, the fungus could devour the host entirely, yet it refrains, displaying a calculated restraint to instead use the host to further its reproductive cycle.

cordyceps sinensis

Cordyceps sinensis growing out of its host's head. 

You shouldn't be afraid of Cordyceps. You should be afraid of yeast.

The Tilden Fungus Fair

From zombie fungus to superfood: How Cordyceps mushrooms inspire pop culture and safeguard your health

Now, if you’re thinking there is no way you would eat a mushroom that came from an insect’s head…

Rest assured- the majority of Cordyceps mushrooms on the market today, known as Cordyceps militaris, are cultivated without the use of caterpillars!

Here's another fun(gi) fact:

Cordyceps mushrooms also inspired the hit HBO zombie apocalypse series, The Last of Us

Don’t worry, according to Bryn Dentiger, a professor of biology and mycology from Utah, Cordyceps cannot survive in animals with a body temperature higher than 34.5 degrees Celsius (94.1 degrees Fahrenheit). 

Humans generally have a temperature of about 37 degrees Celsius.

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8 captivating health benefits of Cordyceps mushrooms

#1 Improves athletic performance

One of the significant boons of consuming Cordyceps is their potential to boost exercise performance

It's like strapping on a pair of rocket boots! 

Scientific studies have shown that Cordyceps increase the body's production of the molecule ATP, essential for delivering energy to the muscles. 

Feeling like an unstoppable athlete is just a few mushroom supplements away.

Consuming Cordyceps was an absolute game changer for my powder skiing. 

A client recently told me she felt like someone was “pushing her back” while she was skiing after taking just one dose of Cordyceps tea! 

A 1990’s women’s Chinese cycling team was tested for blood doping once they broke countless world records…

Only to find…

They had just been taking Cordyceps mushrooms!  

#2 Zoom zoom in the bedroom 

Cordyceps mushrooms are often touted for their aphrodisiac properties, believed to enhance libido and sexual function

This reputation is partly due to their ability to increase energy and stamina, which may contribute to improved sexual health and vitality.

Cordyceps mushrooms were discovered over 2000 years ago in the Himalayas by the yak herders, who noticed their yaks were especially vital with sexual energy…

They wanted in on the yak’s aphrodisiac secret!

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Lo and behold, the yaks were eating the beautiful, bright orange fungus.

Hong Kong-based Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner Samuel To Ching-san explains that Cordyceps are highly effective in replenishing the body's "yin" energy, which is considered cold and dark. 

This contrasts with the hot and light "yang" energy, and the balance between the two is essential for overall well-being.

Samuel To also highlights that cordyceps may enhance lung and kidney function

Since the kidneys are linked to male vitality in TCM, this explains the fungus's reputation for addressing male sexual issues, earning it the nickname "Himalayan Viagra.”

#3 Hope for diabetics

Speaking of kidney health…

Cordyceps mushrooms contain a unique type of sugar that might help manage diabetes by acting similarly to insulin. 

Diabetes disrupts the body's ability to use insulin effectively, causing high blood sugar levels, which can lead to severe health issues. 

Studies on diabetic mice have shown that Cordyceps can lower blood sugar, suggesting they could be useful for maintaining healthy glucose levels.

Cordyceps militaris

Cordyceps militaris, how the majority of the fungus is cultivated today without insects

#4 Zoom zoom for your immune system  

Now, how about a quick boost to your immune system? 

Imagine surrounding your body with a protective energy shield. That's what Cordyceps can do for your immunity. 

The mushrooms are rich in antioxidants and other compounds that stimulate immune responses, helping you stay stronger against the ills and chills of life.

#5 Anti-aging 

Next up in the power-punch list is Cordyceps' potential for anti-aging effects.

If you've always wanted to discover the fountain of youth, well, Cordyceps might just be a step in that direction. 

They contain antioxidants that fight cell damage by neutralizing free radicals, leading to longer cell life.

In essence, you will feel invigorated and youthful, as if you've turned back the hands of time!


#6 Adaptogenic zoom 

Experiencing elevated stress or battling the blues? Cordyceps may have an ace up their spore-bearing surfaces for you. 

These beneficial fungi have adaptogenic properties, meaning they can help the body resist different kinds of stressors – physical, chemical, or biological.

It's like having a wearable superpowers suit providing resilience in the face of life's challenges.

#7 Heart zoom 

Cordyceps also come with potential heart health benefits, including the ability to lower "bad" LDL cholesterol levels.

That's like having a dedicated team of miniature street cleaners, diligently keeping your arteries clear of harmful cholesterol!

#8 Anti-cancer

Moreover, these potent fungi may contain anti-tumor properties.

Can you imagine a battalion of tiny soldiers, fighting off cancer cells inside your body?

That's the visual I get when I think of the anti-tumor agents in Cordyceps mushrooms.

Supercharge your mornings: Discover the energizing power of Cordyceps mushrooms

Starting your day with Cordyceps mushrooms could boost your energy like a natural energy drink but with healthier benefits.

Ready to feel more balanced and vitalized?

Join many others who've experienced the advantages of Cordyceps—from enhanced daily energy to improved immunity.

Discover the rejuvenating power of this Himalayan secret and let Cordyceps transform your health journey.

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