Licensed Professional Counselor, LPC

by Sarah M
(Frisco, Colorado)

For myself, I had more hope than fear, which is rare in today’s world.

For my patients, that I hoped to help, my fear was around having a solid understanding and protocol to follow if and when I could access these spiritual tools from our ancient cultural past.

However, the more that I did research about the science, mystical history, and spiritual connection to our species, my fears melted away under the light of hope and facts!

Thank you ShroomMystic, you helped me in this process and thank you John Hopkins Medical Research Center, UCLA, Yale, Imperial College of London, etc, etc!

Real research, modern day science and data.

Fear is now Hope!

Thank you Erin for actually referencing your sources and sharing the sources and data, that is so hard to find in the internet / social media world of today. It matters!

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Jul 30, 2024
Thank you kindly!
by: Erin

So glad you have found a way to confidently offer these tools to your clients that feels safe.

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