Magic Mushroom Microdosing for Depression Relief: A Guide to Mental Wellness

Step into the realm of magic mushroom microdosing for depression – a revolutionary approach to treating depression that's capturing attention, especially among those exploring alternatives to traditional medications. 

Curious about how this hallucinogenic fungus can combat the blues?

Let's delve deeper into this intriguing world.

shroom mandala

Psilocybin Shrooms

Breaking the silence: Tackling the epidemic of depression head-on

Over 350 million people worldwide grapple with major depressive disorder (MDD), a condition that often leads to disability and hefty healthcare costs.

Common treatments like medication and therapy can take a while to kick in and may not always stick. 

Not to mention the horrific side effects of the medications... 

Sadly, even after trying different treatments, about 30% of folks still find themselves stuck in the trenches of depression.

Plus, MDD tends to be a bit of a boomerang, with many people experiencing multiple episodes over time, each one potentially more severe than the last.


Ah, the terrifying tale of dancing with antidepressants, a journey I've waltzed through myself

My saga began in my late teens, a time when I thought life was a cruel joke played on me by the universe. 

Fast forward to nursing school in 2006, where a psychiatrist bestowed upon me the delightful prophecy that I'd be forever shackled to these pills

(Insert eye rolling here…)

One of the most dangerous myths surrounding depression is that it is a life sentence, when in reality, if you seek the right help and keep on fighting, you CAN recover, and live a happy, healthy, depression-free life.            

Determined to break free, I sought refuge in the arms of an acupuncturist, who guided me through the treacherous path of liberation.

It wasn't a stroll in the park, mind you; it felt like diving headfirst into a pool of despair.

Acupuncture literally saved my life

Friends in the medical field regaling me with tales of how antidepressants are handed out like candy on Halloween night.

Oh, the horror! The audacity! 

As a nurse and human, I've experienced and witnessed firsthand the grim aftermath of attempting to bid adieu to these little capsules of joy, with souls teetering on the edge of the abyss. 

So, dear friend, heed my warning:

Never embark on the perilous journey of weaning off antidepressants without the watchful eye of your prescribing doctor.

It's a rollercoaster ride you wouldn't wish upon your worst enemy.

Magic mushrooms' promise against depression, backed by science

John’s Hopkins University, a titan in the field of psychedelic research, has conducted compelling studies illuminating the prospect of psilocybin, (the active compound in magic mushrooms), as a potential game-changer in depression treatment

Arguably the most well known study with psilocybin and treating depression conducted at John's Hopkins showed that after 2 macrodose sessions (3 grams or higher), participants with major depression had significant relief from the relentless grip of the disease for 12 months or longer


Not until recently were there studies showing the benefits of magic mushroom microdosing for depression. But no surprise here, the microdosing studies show similar promise that the macrodose studies demonstrated.   

Now, don't imagine yourself tripping billies in vibrant, psychedelic landscapes! 

Microdosing is about ingesting tiny, sub-perceptual amounts of psilocybin. This approach harnesses the potential mood-enhancing properties without invoking intense hallucinations.

In essence,  it's like unlocking subtle positivity with microdoses of psilocybin.

0.1 gram psilocybin

A typical low-end dose for microdosing - be cautious! Still a very hefty dose  

"What does microdosing mushrooms feel like?" 

Most microdosers in our community notice subtle, yet powerful, effects the day and days after ingesting a microdose.

And, benefits are cumulative.

The mushrooms continue to work for you over time.  

Most microdosers in our community report a feeling of being more present, similar to the effects of meditation.

In other words, the mind isn't running the show with worry about the future, being stuck in the past, or feeling overwhelmed with life. 


A lot of people report feeling more open, "in the flow", creative, and with an overall greater sense of joy and happiness with microdosing.  

However, the process of microdosing isn't as simple as sprinkling magic mushrooms on your salad. Psilocybin mushrooms, unfortunately, don't come with a universal standard of potency. 

Most of the microdosing guidance published online suggests a dose of 0.1 to 0.5 grams of dried mushrooms, to gauge the body’s response.

Be careful! 

This is a very hefty dose, especially if you are growing your own shrooms and know when to properly harvest your mushrooms for maximum potency!

0.5 g is a hefty dose!

Magic mushroom microdosing for depression: The path to Integration

Before you ride off and start searching for some shrooms to treat your depression (of course, only if you live in a decriminalized city)...

If you subscribe to the pop-a-pill mentality and think by simply starting to microdose with magic mushrooms your problems will all magically go away, think again...

In the professional psychedelic world, we stress the importance of Integration

Integration is the process of integrating the insights and lessons from a healing session so the experience transforms your life

If you are seeking to use psilocybin to heal and change your life, instead of just tripping at a Red Rocks concert…

You need to Integrate

Integration happens the days, weeks, and even years after a psychedelic treatment for healing.... 

meditation for depression

Meditation: A powerful integration tool which also keeps depression at bay 

Integration is where "the work" is...

This means:

  • stream-of-consciousness journaling 
  • meditation
  • yoga
  • breath work
  • ecstatic dance
  • intuitive painting

Integration means noticing what patterns, themes and memories come up for you and getting curious about what is at the root of your depression. 

By the way, a daily meditation practice is also a scientifically proven way to keep depression at bay.

Depression can be caused by: 

  • traumas 
  • living an inauthentic life 
  • a poor health lifestyle 
  • being in an unhealthy relationship or career
  • many other things

Magic mushroom microdosing for depression will inevitably open the blinds for you and show you where your depression is coming from…that is how the mushrooms work. 

So, if you are considering magic mushroom microdosing for depression or as an adjunct treatment to therapy, plan to integrate to make changes in your life that transform.

We will never find peace outside ourselves until we make peace within ourselves. 

Dalai Lama

Mindful microdosing: Exploring the cautions and considerations

A word of caution…magic mushroom microdosing for depression is not all rainbows and unicorns

I’ve had several clients tell me they stopped microdosing altogether because it was too emotionally overwhelming for them. 

This is not a surprise, as the mushrooms work deep in the psyche to reveal what is keeping you in dis-ease. 

Instead of tossing out the mushrooms altogether if this happens to you, I invite you to lean into this discomfort.

This is where some very important insights to your healing can be revealed. 

It is just a really nice thing to do for yourself to work with a psilocybin-friendly therapist to help integrate what the mushrooms reveal to you. 

This is especially important if you have a history of PTSD and traumas

When I first started microdosing in 2020, I became extremely uncomfortable and agitated and immediately got myself back into trauma therapy. 

psilocybin therapy for depression

Getting help with your depression from a psilocybin-friendly therapist is a sign of wisdom and strength - not a weakness. 

Growing your own: SO much the medicine

You might consider cultivation, but it's crucial to be aware of local laws as legality varies worldwide.

In Colorado, for example, psilocybin was decriminalized in 2022, allowing residents to legally grow their own.

Always ensure your actions comply with the law.

perfect shroom harvest

Growing your own medicine if you live in a decriminalized state like so much "the medicine"

free microdosing mushrooms class

FREE 4-part microdosing class!

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It's important to understand interactions with medications like SSRIs, which can affect the experience.

Discussing the risks and benefits with a healthcare provider is essential. 

With an open mind and proper consultation, exploring the therapeutic potential of psilocybin could lead to new paths in mental wellness and personal growth.

Are you ready to explore this unconventional treatment and possibly find relief from depression?

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