"Microdosing could be a solution to a lot of mental health problems. It's not just about getting high; it's about using these substances as tools for self-improvement and personal growth."

Joe Rogan

Microdosing mushrooms for mental health

The game changer you’ve been waiting for. 

Microdosing mushrooms for mental health is gaining A LOT of attention.

I live in Colorado, USA...the epicenter of the psychedelic movement. 

Everyone is talking about microdosing mushrooms here. At the hot springs, at the pool, in the grocery store...


Are you frustrated with modern medicine?

Skeptical about pharmaceuticals?

If so, keep reading...

This natural alternative might be worth exploring for seekers like yourself exploring holistic wellness approaches.

microdosing for mental health

But first, let me paint a picture for you of what we’re dealing with here…

The global mental health crisis is a silent pandemic that affects millions of people worldwide. 

According to the World Health Organization, one in four people will experience a mental or neurological disorder at some point in their lives, with around 450 million people currently suffering from such conditions. 

Mental health disorders are among the leading causes of ill-health and disability worldwide, accounting for 16% of the global burden of disease and injury in people aged 10-19 years. 

Shockingly, suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-29 year-olds globally.

People with severe mental health conditions die prematurelyas much as two decades early – due to preventable physical conditions.

Despite the widespread use of psychiatric medications, their effectiveness and safety have come under scrutiny. 

Antidepressants, the most commonly prescribed psychiatric drugs, work no better than placebo for mild to moderate depression and increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in children, adolescents, and young adults. 

One in six Americans takes a psychiatric drug, with 84.3% of these prescriptions written by non-psychiatrists. 

Seventy percent of people taking antidepressants experience side effects, including sexual dysfunction, weight gain, sleep disturbance, and fatigue

Long-term use of benzodiazepines (anti-anxiety drugs) leads to physical dependence in 35-45% of patients, with withdrawal symptoms that can be severe and last for months. 

Antipsychotics can cause serious side effects like tardive dyskinesia (involuntary movements), significant weight gain, diabetes, and increased mortality in elderly patients with dementia. 

The most disturbing fact of all of these is…your prescribing provider is filling his vacation fund every time he writes one of these deadly prescriptions he claims you need to take to be ok…

Erin Taylor, RN, dietitian, medicine woman, author, publisher, advocate for the People

Seems like a conflict of interest to me…

AND it happens all the time, in fact, it's part of the medical system's structure, since the American Medical Association was purchased by Big Pharma in the 90's.

Yep, that's right!

Your suffering from mental illness and the side effect laden pharmaceutical drugs you are prescribed ARE BIG BUSINESS. 

But I digress….

I do that sometimes…

These staggering statistics underscore the need for a more holistic, patient-centered approach to mental health treatment that goes beyond the mere prescription of psychiatric medications.

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Many health-conscious individuals, like yourself, are now turning their gaze towards microdosing mushrooms for mental health. 

This practice isn't just another fleeting wellness trend; it combines thousands of years of indigenous wisdom with modern scientific insights.

Let's dive in together and explore why microdosing mushrooms might be the key to unearthing a brighter, more balanced mental landscape.

From a scientific perspective, microdosing mushrooms involves taking very small, sub-perceptual doses of psilocybin, the active compound in magic mushrooms. 

Unlike full doses that cause significant psychoactive effects, microdoses are too small to induce hallucinations, but just enough to offer subtle benefits. 

Never. Ever. EVER!!! stop taking your prescribed anti-depressant or mental health medications abruptly. Always include your prescribing provider in your plans, hopes, wishes to pursue your mental health journey pharmaceutical free. I found myself in a darker place I was in before starting anti-depressants once I followed doctor's orders to wean from the meds...It was harder than I ever imagined it would be to get off of them...I have been medication-free since 2006 thanks to acupuncture, meditation, yoga and a whole bunch of other things, including the sacred mushroom. 


Research has shown promising results in using microdosing for treatment-resistant depression. 

A 2018 study on Psilocybin with psychological support for treatment-resistant depression, found that psilocybin, in conjunction with psychological support, led to significant reductions in depressive symptoms at 6-month follow-up.

Tiny doses can stimulate neurogenesis—the growth of new neurons—and enhance connectivity between different regions of your brain. 

Imagine feeling a whisper of clarity as each tiny dose lights up your mental landscape, brightening your thoughts and lifting that fog of depression.

microdosing mushrooms for mental health

Historically, indigenous cultures worldwide have employed mushrooms for mental health and spiritual enlightenment for millennia.

In places like Mexico, the Mazatec curanderas have used psilocybin mushrooms in sacred ceremonies to heal mental and spiritual ailments. 

They understood that these magical fungi could open the doors of perception, providing insights that conventional medicine could never reach. 

They also understood mental illness often comes from deeper rooted issues, like:

  • child abuse 
  • neglect 
  • rape 
  • car accidents 
  • war
  • anything one experiences as a trauma 

"Psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, has shown promise in treating a range of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and addiction. Microdosing could be a way to harness these benefits without the intense psychedelic experience."

- Michael Pollan, How To Change Your Mind

Picture the first light of dawn breaking through the darkness...

That's how microdosing mushrooms for mental health can open new horizons in your mind, leading to profound changes in your outlook and well-being.

On a spiritual level, microdosing can foster a deep sense of connection—both with yourself, the universe and your Higher Power. 

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