Operations I&C Supervisor

by David
(Denver, CO, USA)

Initially my only "fear" was that mushrooms were not easily available. I had taken mushrooms many times in my life, but usually a pretty good amount 2-4 grams.

Usually I did this with a couple of close friends, in a safe, but isolated setting (usually while camping in the mountains, or at a lake, somewhere in nature).

I had never micro dosed mushrooms. Then I read the book How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan, and was absolutely inspired to try micro dosing due to the science behind what the Magic Mushrooms were doing to my brain!

I already had the experience of what they had given to my soul...which was an actual experience beyond normal reality that completely enveloped my ego, and spirit with love and a connection to mother nature.

Truly experience that we are of the same energy as the earth, and each other, probably the most powerful spiritual experiences of my life.

But I had never considered taking a small amount???

So I began taking a small piece of the mushrooms that I had saved for camping weekends, and broke off a small (approx .1mg piece, per the books advice) and eating it with my breakfast every morning about 4 days a week before heading to work.

The amount was so small that I often forgot that I had done so at breakfast, because, I did not "feel" anything, just went on with my normal work day and life.

However, after about 2 weeks, my life partner commented that I was way more compassionate and light in my mood. She noticed that I was more patient when talking about society, traffic, issues in life.

Ok I thought.

I will fast forward a year: I began to realize that the mircodosing protocol had actually had profound effects on me.

I began interests in art and painting (which I had not done since elementary school) and have learned that I am really good at artistic expressions like canvas acrylic painting!

Now I actually paint all the time, have several paintings going at the same time, and it has become a very meditative hobby for me.

Being a scientist, I also started researching the work at John Hopkins Center for Psychedelic Research, and WOW!

Just like your Shroommystic website is sharing and referencing.

Powerful science backing what the ancient shamanistic cultures have known for thousands of years!

Only the Shamans did not have access to EEG technology, but it did not matter, they "knew" because they had the "EXPERIENCE" that I have had to base my faith, beliefs and spirituality upon, thanks to trying the Magic Mushrooms.

Eat many, or just eat a tiny piece, they work magic on your soul, your ego, and your brain/body! Thank you ShroomMystic! The world needs to try Shrooms these days!

Back to my original "Fear"......I purchased your recently published book "A Mystics Guide to Microdosing Mushrooms" about 5 months ago, and really enjoyed your perspective and insights on utilizing and maximizing the "medicine" as the author calls them....

AND in the book, she shared an easy to follow recipe/guide on how to grow your own Magic.

So I followed the directions, and had some success initially, but also a few challenges. However, it was really interesting and fun, so I tried again, kept learning about the topic, and had even more success each attempt. Now many attempts later, I grow my own Medicine, and my original "Fear" is something I laugh at as my Magic medicine grows before my eyes!

Now it is a really fun and rewarding NEW Hobby of mine! Thank you ShroomMystic! :)


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Jul 16, 2024

by: Erin

What a beautiful account of how microdosing with psilocybin has a cumulative and evolutionary effect, something the 'studies' don't show.

Thank you for sharing!

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