Reservations and Fears with Microdosing

by Olivia

I would like to start by saying how healing it is to be able to share a fear in a safe space and transmit its vibration.

I waited a long time to start microdosing. I live within a sober family, so the thought of 'doing mushrooms' had me worried, anxious and fearful on many levels.

I was also not ready to face the energy of what I knew the mushrooms would show me and ask me to work on.

These about myself, my life, and the dances within this world/life that I had been struggling with (my relationships, career, family, the political environment of our country at the time, and more significantly... Me and my own personal shadows).

Let me say, I waited too long for the type of support my intuition knew I needed (and it was a beautiful lesson in strengthening my connection to my intuition and listening to her more freely and consistently).

With microdosing, my entire mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies changed and shifted in vibration and it was a doorway into a realm of healing I didn't know would transform so much of my and my life in such profound and positive ways.

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Jul 14, 2024

by: Erin

Thank you for sharing such a beautiful transmutation of that fear!

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