Retired nurse

by Joan Talley
(Copper Mt. Colorado )

I was fearful of being trapped in a brain that would be churning up painful memories until the effects wore off.

I was slowly eased into giving it a try by Erin’s guidance through personal coaching and her very creative writing skills that gently instruct you through the process.

It was no big deal.

The shrooms ever so gently pulled me to a better state.

Being a boomer and hearing all the scary trips taken by those who took the ride, I was very nervous about it.

I was done with pharmaceuticals a long time ago and was just doing my best to deal with my anxiety and depression.

Things are more acceptable now.

Thank you Erin for your gift of the sacred shroom.

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Jul 21, 2024
A boomer with her boomers
by: Erin

I love you Joanie! It has been so lovely to see the sun shine brighter in your world. You deserve it babe!

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