12 Remarkable Turkey Tail Mushroom Benefits Backed By Science

Turkey tail mushroom benefits are far more than meets the eye. Known as kawaratake mushrooms in Japan and Yunzhi in traditional Chinese medicine, this remarkable fungus boasts a rich history dating back centuries.

Its unique fan-like shape, reminiscent of a turkey's tail, is just the beginning of its extraordinary healing potential. 

Let's dig in and unearth 12 science-backed health wonders hiding in turkey tail mushrooms. 

Turkey Tail mushroom benefits
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#1 Supercharge your immunity

Turkey tail mushrooms and their immune-boosting abilities are off-the-charts, thanks to the polysaccharopeptides packed inside these funky fungi.

They empower your immune system and keep illness at bay. 

The use of turkey tail mushroom benefits dates back centuries across continents from China, Europe to Native America.

They lauded these mushrooms for longevity and immunity, something modern research is starting to affirm.

Two key compounds - Polysaccharide Krestin (PSK) and Polysaccharide Peptide (PSP) - particularly stand out. PSP boosts immunity by stimulating various immune cells, while PSK activates specific white blood cells that fight off pathogens and tumors.

Extracts of these mushrooms offer powerful immunity benefits, proving useful for those undergoing chemotherapy.

There is no treatment for cancer that is more powerful than our own immune system.

David Servan-Schreiber

#2 Nature's ancient warrior against cancer for centuries

It's also a fantastic natural cancer drug that’s been recognized in Japan and China.

In 1976, a Japanese company was smart enough to patent certain extracts of this phenomenal mushroom, which they named PSK and later PSP, discussed above.

Over time, these extracts have become recognized as cancer drugs.

PSK is approved, under the trade name Krestin produced by Kureha Corporation, as an adjunct for cancer therapy in Japan.

Krestin has been used in supportive cancer treatment for these cancers:

  • breast
  • lung (Integrative Cancer Therapies, 2015)
  • gastric
  • colorectal (Cancer Immunol Immunother, 2006)
  • pancreatic (Pancreatology, 2012) 
  • liver (J Invest Surg, 1995)

There is also a 2012 study showing PSP in turkey tail to be effective against prostate cancer cell growth. 

This mushroom is fascinating.

Notably, it has properties that can target oncoviruses - viruses that can cause tumors, like in hep C leading to liver cancers.

What's more, various studies are shining a light on how turkey tail mushroom benefits help ramp up NK (natural killer) activity, making our bodies even better at spotting and eliminating tumors.

Check this out:

A 2012 clinical trial showed that breast cancer patients who consumed turkey tail mushroom rejuvenated their immune function way faster post-radiation therapy than those who didn't.

"The mind-body connection is not just a myth; it is a powerful tool in fighting cancer."

-Anticancer, written by David Servan-Schreiber

In one report, an 87-year-old lady with advanced breast cancer took turkey tail mushroom capsules two times a day during her chemotherapy treatment.

After three and a half years, she was healthy and cancer-free. She continued therapy with her prescribed medicines along with taking the mushroom supplements.

A review of turkey tail clinical trials found that cancer patients taking turkey tail alongside standard treatments lived longer than those who only received chemotherapy.

However, some cancers don’t respond as well to turkey tail mushroom supplements, specifically esophageal and nasopharyngeal cancers, so scientists need more information to determine the best way to use turkey tail mushroom extracts to fight cancer.


I love this story about a 73-year-young Vietnam Veteran who was exposed to Agent Orange at war and was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer. He underwent immunotherapy, took turkey tail mushroom extract, and all of his tumors, except one, shrunk.

Interestingly, liver cancer is not on the Veteran's Administration's list of cancers....

Regardless, let's give this incredible fungus a bravo and round of applause for its mind-blowing fight on the war against cancer.

"Cancer is not a death sentence. It is not just a physical disease; it is a spiritual and emotional journey as well."

-David Servan-Schreiber

#3 Tackling inflammation and oxidative stress head-on

Turkey tail mushroom benefits include antioxidant properties, which may be neuroprotective.

Yes, another medicinal mushroom in the fight against Alzheimer's disease.

Our bodies naturally produce unstable molecules known as free radicals as part of everyday cellular processes. These radicals can multiply due to stress and exposure to toxins, leading to oxidative stress and inflammation.

To maintain health, it's vital to balance free radicals with antioxidants. Turkey tail mushrooms, rich in antioxidants like quercetin, combat oxidative stress and inflammation.

Recent studies (J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem, 2017) highlight its potential as a natural source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents.

#4 Turkey tail mushroom benefits your 'second brain'- your gut

Research indicates that turkey tail mushroom benefits enhance gut health by serving as prebiotics, fostering beneficial bacteria growth in the gut microbiome.

Remember PSP mentioned earlier?

It acts as a prebiotic polysaccharide that resists digestion, enhancing digestive health and immune function by promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria like Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus.

A trial with 24 individuals showed that daily consumption of turkey tail PSP extract for eight weeks confirmed its prebiotic properties and potential to boost gut health.

turkey tail mushrooms

Turkey Tail Mushrooms are so beautiful 

#5 Hope for colitis sufferers

More studies have also shown Turkey Tail to be effective against colitis.

Compounds derived from turkey tail mushrooms were found to alleviate symptoms of colitis through modulation of the immune system. 

#6 Treatment for the alcoholic liver

The PSP in turkey tail mushrooms also proves to be a liver-loving marvel.

Recent studies highlight its ability to shield the liver from oxidative stress, enhance immunity, and prevent fat buildup, particularly beneficial for those with liver concerns due to alcohol consumption.

In mouse trials from 2017 and 2018, researchers stumbled upon something marvelous: PSP displayed superhero-like liver-saving powers and hinted at becoming the next big thing in the battle against alcoholic liver disease.

These findings echo the ancient wisdom of Chinese healers, who long recognized the turkey tail's liver-supporting properties for treatment of jaundice.

turkey tail mushrooms

Awe-inspiring Turkey Tail Mushrooms

#7 A Sweet solution for diabetics - tackling blood sugar with fungal flair

We’re not even close to being done with this incredible mushroom ally.

This beautiful mushroom also has been shown in studies to improve glucose tolerance, which is great news for diabetics.

A 2017 study showed turkey tail mushroom extract works like a charm against diabetes and insulin resistance in muscle cells.

This is pretty big news, especially for folks with diabetes who also battle cancer or infections.  

#8 Pain? Turkey Tail's got your back – literally!

Furthermore, this amazing medicinal mushroom is also showing promise as an effective treatment for pain!

Compounds from turkey tail mushrooms have been shown to have analgesic effects in rodent models.

A 2020 study in Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy showed significant pain relief in rats using turkey tail. 

Impressed yet?

But wait, there's more...

Turkey tail mushrooms have been used to treat various maladies for hundreds of years in Asia, Europe, and by indigenous peoples in North America. Records of turkey tail brewed as medicinal tea date from the early 15th century, during the Ming Dynasty in China.

Paul Stamets

#9 A secret weapon against osteoporosis

Turkey Tail is also showing promise as an effective treatment for the silent killer among women, osteoporosis.

In a 2015 rat model study of diabetes-related osteoporosis, oral treatment with ePSP resulted in thicker, less porous bones.

#10 The secret sauce for athletic performance

In a 2017 study, mice pumped up their endurance and strength while waving goodbye to fatigue after just 4 weeks on turkey tail extract.

#11 The ultimate beauty secret

Turkey tail mushrooms offer skin benefits in addition to their overall health perks.

A healthy gut, facilitated by these mushrooms, aids nutrient absorption essential for radiant skin.

Their anti-inflammatory properties contribute to skin health, while antioxidants combat oxidative stress, preventing collagen and elastin damage.

With quercetin, turkey tail:

  • shields against UV damage
  • reduces redness
  • boosts hydration

...reflecting its multi-faceted skincare prowess.

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#12 Weight loss! 

Turkey tail mushrooms, rich in beta-glucan, might just be your secret weapon against weight gain.

A 2019 study published in Molecular Nutrition and Food research found that mice on a high-fat diet with turkey tail beta glucans gained less weight.

Now...I've seen and heard many doctors and PhD's say that the majority of research done on medicinal mushrooms are on rodents are therefore have little to no evidence that the impact would be the same on humans. 

Um, doctors....

Indigenous peoples and ancestors have been using medicinal mushrooms for thousands of years...

Isn't that proof they work in humans?!? 

I seriously doubt the ancestors from all over the world would be using them if they didn't work...


So friend, tired of feeling like a lab experiment with modern medicine? Consider the turkey tail mushroom, a natural alternative for wellness.

While beneficial, they're not for everyone—avoid during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or if on medications. Consult your doctor if you have allergies, diabetes, bleeding disorders, autoimmune conditions, or cancer.

Before you open up your Google browser to start searching for a turkey tail supplement or tea...read my article about buying a legit turkey tail mushroom supplement...You'll definitely want my guidance on this before you waste your hard earned money!

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Ready to unlock nature's secrets? Embrace the power of turkey tail mushrooms and radiate health from within. It's time for a transformative journey toward well-being with this magnificent gift of nature!

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