"The caterpillar does all the work, but the butterfly gets all the publicity."  

George Carlin (mirroring the transformative effects of fungi)

What Are Mushrooms Good For? 

The Apex Allies to Healing Your Body, Mind, Spirit and Planet

Part 2

what are mushrooms good for

What are mushrooms good for? 

Read Part 1 here

The birth of this baby white buffalo, fulfills indigenous Lakota/Datoka prophecies about a time of great change for Mother Earth and her people. 

I recently listened to a native man crying about the paradox of the birth of the baby white buffalo:

“I can’t believe this is happening in my lifetime. To our people, this is like the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. There is great healing and change coming to our people. But Mother Earth is sick- she has a fever…(crying)..."

Native Lakota Man on the birth of the baby white buffalo

What are mushrooms good for, and how does this relate to the baby white buffalo prophecy? 

Mushrooms are indeed the original decomposers, playing a crucial role in the ecosystem by breaking down dead organic matter and recycling nutrients back into the soil. 

These fascinating organisms possess the unique ability to digest tough materials like cellulose and lignin, which are the main components of plant cell walls.

Mushroom mycelium can even eat plutonium, asphalt and plastic.

 By decomposing fallen leaves, branches, and even animal remains, mushrooms help to create rich, fertile soil that supports the growth of new plants.

This process is essential for maintaining the delicate balance of life on Earth, as it ensures that nutrients are continuously cycled through the ecosystem. 

Without the presence of mushrooms and other decomposers, dead organic matter would accumulate, leading to a depletion of resources and a disruption in the natural order of things.

Replacing just one fifth of the red meat we eat with microbial proteins derived from fungi or algae could reduce annual deforestation by a massive 56% come 2050, according to a study. 

Even more...

Yet replacing only 20% of our meat with microbial protein like mushrooms could more than halve the rate of deforestation and reduce carbon emissions related to cattle farming by 2050. 

Eat and grow your mushrooms people! 

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So, how can you start incorporating mushrooms into your life? 

One of the easiest ways is to simply add them to your favorite dishes.

Mushrooms are incredibly versatile and can be used in everything from:

  • soups and stews 
  • to stir-fries and salads 

Just be sure to always cook your gourmet and edible mushrooms!

saute oystersAlways cook your gourmet mushrooms

They add a rich, earthy flavor to any dish and can be a great substitute for meat in vegetarian and vegan recipes. 

Plus, with so many different varieties of mushrooms to choose from, you'll never get bored of experimenting with new flavors and textures.

You can find fresh gourmet mushrooms at local mushroom farmer locations, as well as specialty health food stores like Whole Foods. 

Always support your local mushroom farmers when you can. 

Mushrooms are miniature pharmaceutical factories, and of the thousands of mushroom species in nature, our ancestors and modern scientists have identified several dozen that have a unique combination of talents that improve our health.

Paul Stamets

If you're looking for a more concentrated dose of mushroom goodness, you may want to consider trying mushroom supplements. 

These supplements come in various forms, such as powders, capsules, and gummies, and can be a convenient way to get your daily dose of mushroom magic. 

Just be sure to choose a high-quality supplement from a reputable source to ensure you're getting the most benefit.

Read my article on buying legit medicinal mushroom supplements before you waste your hard earned money on supplements filled with crap designed to fool and steal money from you…

what are mushrooms good for

For those who are feeling adventurous,  

You may consider growing your own mushrooms at home.

kids love cultivating mushrooms

While it may seem intimidating at first, growing mushrooms can be a fun and rewarding hobby

With a little patience and the right equipment, you can cultivate your own supply of fresh, organic mushrooms right in your kitchen. 

Not only will you have a constant supply of delicious and nutritious mushrooms at your fingertips, but you'll also have the satisfaction of knowing exactly where your food comes from.

The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.

Alan Watts

As you embark on your mushroom journey, remember to approach it with a sense of wonder and curiosity. 

Take the time to appreciate the earthy, grounding energy of mushrooms as you connect with nature's wisdom. 

Inhale their rich, musky aroma and savor their delicate, nutty flavor.

Allow yourself to be soothed by their gentle presence and awed by their ancient, mystical power. 

And most importantly, remember that by incorporating mushrooms into your life, you are not only nourishing your own body and soul but also contributing to the healing of our planet and the cosmos as a whole.

what are mushrooms good for

So, the next time someone asks you...

 "What are mushrooms good for?" or

"Are mushrooms good for you?" you can confidently answer,


From supporting physical health and cognitive function to promoting emotional well-being and planetary healing, mushrooms truly are nature's gift to humanity and our Universe. 

And with so many delicious and convenient ways to incorporate them into your life, there's never been a better time to start exploring the incredible world of mushrooms.

The question isn't "What are mushrooms good for?"

but rather...

"What aren't mushrooms good for???" 

These incredible fungi offer a wealth of benefits for your mind, body, and spirit, and have the power to transform your health and your life in countless ways. 

So why not start your mushroom journey today?

Your body, your mind, and the planet will thank you.

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Gift us a like below! Spread the healing spores. 

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