“Shrooms giveth and taketh away.”

A.D. Aliwat

What Does Microdosing Mushrooms Do?      A Medicine Woman's Voice

The question “What does microdosing mushrooms do for me?”...

Can be answered with an effervescence similar to champagne and a charm that rivals James Bond. 

Let’s dive into an exploration of the wondrous and unassuming fungal companion, psilocybin. 

This little organism, often overlooked and misunderstood, has a repertoire of benefits that could rival a Swiss army knife. 

What does microdosing mushrooms do?

Its capabilities encompass various realms, offering healing, connectivity, creativity, awareness, compassion and the potential to transcend self-limiting beliefs

You might even find yourself laughing at its curious knack for showing us the absurdity of our worries and anxieties. 

Now, let's take a closer look into the unique, therapeutic world of microdosing.

The science of Psilocybin: Its role in neurogenesis and mental wellness

If you've found yourself stuck in a time loop of either worrying about the future or ruminating on the past, welcome to the club! 

Anxiety and depression seem to be the bread and butter of mental health struggles, with many of us trapped in thoughts not bound by the present moment

What does microdosing mushrooms do to address the epidemic of mental illness?

Psilocybin, the key components in magic mushrooms, has been discovered to have a remarkable capability to stimulate neurogenesis - the growth and development of nervous tissue. 

By promoting new neural connections and enhancing the plasticity of the brain, microdosing mushrooms may pave the path to significant improvements in managing conditions like anxiety and depression.

Like the world's most efficient and insightful therapist or a daily meditation practice, it refocuses us in the present moment, the only one that truly exists.

But this is just the beginning. 

When we look within ourselves with psilocybin, we discover that we do not have to look outward toward the futile promise of life that circles distant stars in order to still our cosmic loneliness. We should look within; the paths of the heart lead to nearby universes full of life and affection for humanity.  

Terence McKenna

Deep cleaning the psyche: The unique healing power of psilocybin

Psilocybin has a peculiar habit of acting like a deep cleaning service for the psyche. 

My teacher and female thought leader and spearhead in the psilocybin world, Francoise Bourzat, who worked with the Mazatec curanderas in Mexico for over 2 decades, claims psilocybin reaches deeper in the psyche than any other plant medicine or therapeutic modality known to man

It dusts off old traumas from generations past that we carry in our DNA, according to the mysteries of epigenetics. That's right; it seems our ancestors generously passed on their baggage, along with their genes. 

Groundbreaking, isn't it?


Pushing past the surface, psilocybin offers healing by helping shed layers of ego and the inevitable addictions rooted in trauma and deep-seated belief systems

The ego, that pesky little bugger, is often built up over years of absorbing information and beliefs from our surroundings. 

Microdosing psilocybin is akin to running a highly sophisticated, yet invisible, detox- challenging these compound layers and prompting us to question our belief systems.

free microdosing mushrooms class

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Finding unity with Psilocybin: The art of authentic connection and awareness

As a natural connector, psilocybin entwines us with:

  • nature 
  • self 
  • others 
  • your Creator

It's a bit like playing Cupid in the digital era. 

Despite the increasing population on Mother Earth and ‘connections’ on social media, we've never been so isolated and depressed.

But in the fantastic fungi's community, we reconnect with the world beyond the screens.


For all the creators, artists, and visionaries out there – surprise, surprise - psilocybin boosts creativity, too! 

My own foray into microdosing turned my house into a musical wonderland, kickstarted a copywriting career, and even inspired a synchronized painting venture with my husband.

Beyond its other charms, psilocybin enhances awareness considerably.

It nudges us from the limited confines of our perspective and makes us observers, gifting us the ability to see situations from different angles and steer clear of harmful habits

It's like attending a personal masterclass on cognition, enabling us to make better, more informed, decisions.

A true sized microdose

A true-sized microdose if you are growing PAF (potent as fuck) medicine. 84% smaller than the low end range of typical microdosing guidance. 

Elevating empathy and healing: Psilocybin's dual power in action

Furthermore, psilocybin brings compassion to the table.

In a world that often forgets the essence of compassion, this fungi teacher invokes a sense of empathy, allowing us to connect deeper with our fellow beings. 

Remember, everyone has a story, everyone has rough days, and everyone deserves compassion.

Imagine a world with more compassion...

"If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation."

-Dalai Lama

What does microdosing mushrooms do to heal the body, you ask? 

And for the cherry on top, long-term microdosing might even steer you towards becoming a healer. It opens the doors to self-healing and interruptions dependence on external medicinal aid. 

Even without psilocybin, the body has incredible healing power we are not aware of due to the medical (aka Big Pharma's) disempowering message that we need the medical system for our bodies heal...

This couldn't be further from the truth...


Examples of such transformations from the likes of Dr. Joe Dispenza and Louise Hay illuminate the mind-body connection and self-healing capabilities.

Dr. Joe Dispenza was hit by a truck while cycling an Ironman event resulting in significant fracturing of many of his vertebrae. 

He was told he might not ever walk again, and would require significant surgeries with major hardware and years of physical rehabilitation. 

He opted against the surgeries, and instead used a powerful visualization meditation where he reconstructed all of his damaged vertebrae in his mind’s eye with precision and detail

He was back on his bike within a matter of months

Louise Hay cured herself of cancer just by changing her thoughts and belief systems with the power of affirmations, which significantly changes the energy within the body.

Psilocybin helps the body remember its innate healing capacity we already have within us which has been lost and forgotten by pharmaceuticals and limiting belief systems the Matrix programs us with...

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Microdosing mushrooms also helps you snap out of what psychologists dub as 'the spotlight effect'

It's quite funny when you realize that while you've been worrying about what people are thinking of you, they've been stewing in their own pot of self-consciousness.


What does microdosing mushrooms do on a grander scale? 

Lastly, and beyond its psychological benefits, microdosing mushrooms can unlock a portal to personal sovereignty, guiding us to break free from the various systems we often find ourselves entrapped in:

  • societal expectations
  • medical dogmas
  • financial pressures
  • religious constructs 

It’s no secret that, on some level, we all are entangled in the sophisticated web of systems- the so-called Matrix. 

Microdosing mushrooms invites us to question such structures, to identify and challenge their often-unseen influences that dictate our thoughts, actions, and life choices. 

It's empowering us to be less reliant on external systems and instead shift the locus of control internally.

With psilocybin as our guide, we progressively step out of the pre-established narratives and step into our own authentic, self-governed lives. 

Psilocybin medicine

So...when you ask "What does microdosing mushrooms do?"...

This journey of transformation uncovers our true potential, beyond societal norms and expectations, creating a sovereign space that values our wellbeing above all. 

It’s a subtle rebellion draped in self-discovery and healing.

It's waking up to the fact that we are not just cogs in a giant machine, but artists of our own life canvases, capable of designing lives that echo our truths rather than the echo of the Matrix.


Microdosing with psilocybin brings a banquet of benefits, flanked by wit, humor, and charm. 

It's like being handed a magic wand that helps us transition towards:

  • self-realization
  • healing
  • awareness and 
  • generosity of spirit 

As we navigate this human experience, with its ups, downs and curveballs, these little mushrooms might just be the charming companions we need - for real, compassionate connection is at the very heart of our existence. 

Sharpening our awareness, stimulating our creativity, and helping us evolve beyond past traumas and negative patterns, these heaven-sent fungi deliver a world of goodness in a tiny, elegant package.

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