"Life lived in the absence of the psychedelic experience that primordial shamanism is based on is life trivialized, life denied, life enslaved to the ego."

Terence McKenna

How to Start Microdosing Mushrooms

Awaken Your Potential and Transform Your Mindset

Welcome, intrepid explorer of the mind! 

If you're curious about how to start microdosing with mushrooms and are standing at the threshold of this vast world, you're probably seeking guidance to illuminate your path

This article serves as your reliable guide, taking you on a gentle journey through your consciousness, awakening dormant senses. 

Ready to unlock the subtle secrets of how to start microdosing mushrooms

Let's dive in!

How to start microdosing

Meditation is a favorite modality for integrating microdosing mushrooms. 

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FREE 4-part microdosing class!

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let's extinguish any burning questions about *what* microdosing actually is.

Microdosing involves taking a minuscule amount of psychedelic substances – in this case, mushrooms containing psilocybin – which is typically suggested to be about 1/10th of a recreational dose and smaller.

Smaller being the key word here...

This doesn't create the psychedelic effects associated with higher doses but instead can lead to subtle physiological and psychological improvements.

Imagine nudging your mind's boundaries without having to leap all the way over the fence!


Now, why would you saunter down this mossy path?

The microdosing benefits are whispered in both scientific circles and anecdotal tales.

Users often report:

  • enhanced mood 
  • increased creativity, and 
  • sharper focus

It’s like giving your gray matter cells a soft, invigorating massage.

It’s very, very dangerous to lose contact with living nature

Albert Hofmann

How to start microdosing mushrooms: Spiritual and Legal Considerations

Beyond these, many find profound spiritual enrichment and a reconnection with the soothing whispers of nature—a truly grounding experience.

Before you start scattering seeds in your mental garden, understanding the legalities is key.

The legal status of psilocybin mushrooms varies globally, so ensure you're informed about the regulations in your region to avoid unnecessary entanglements.

This isn’t just a journey of the mind, but one that must tread carefully within the letter of the law.


Sourcing and Dosing: Key Steps to Start Microdosing Mushrooms Safely

Assuming you've tiptoed past the legal thicket, the next step is sourcing your mushrooms.

Quality and safety are paramount, since not all mushrooms waving at you are friendly!

If you live in a decriminalized area, seek out reputable sources, perhaps community forums, trusted friends in the microdosing community, or our favorite option- explore growing your own to ensure you receive the purest whisper of nature.

Let's talk dosage.

In the world of microdosing, less is indeed more.

A common but misleading suggested low-end starting point is approximately 0.1 grams of dried psilocybin mushrooms.

But wait!!!

0.1 gram psilocybin

0.1 grams is a VERY large amount, especially if you are growing your own PAF shrooms.


Start with a dose the size of grain of rice or long grain of rice.

For an intuitive microdosing mushrooms schedule experience...

There are some suggested, popular microdosing protocols available for you to research if you feel you need a more structured microdosing schedule. 

I invite you to consider...

Why not super-benefit from one of the profound gifts of integrated microdosing that is enhanced intuition?

Why not listen to your own intuition a schedule which mirrors the ebbs and flows of life and honors the natural cycles of the Universe? 

How to start microdosing mushrooms: The intuitive super-hero approach

Microdose every day for 4 days, then take a few days off.

This regimen allows you to feel the subtle lift without the ground beneath you shifting too dramatically.

Keep a note of any changes in your journal, as subtle as they may be; this will be your map to fine-tune dosages for your unique landscape.

How to start microdosing forest

"The forest is not only good to eat but good to think” 

— Unknown

Click here to read Part 2 of this article on stepping into the actual practice of microdosing mushrooms...

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Shroom Mystic

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