"You are a powerful, unlimited and eternal soul who is here to enjoy the experience of creativity and contribute to humanity’s evolution." 

Timothy Leary

What does microdosing feel like? Enhance your daily life NOW with shrooms

What does microdosing feel like?

From the shroom perspective...

Imagine stepping into a world where the colors are more vivid, the sounds are richer, and you're meeting the day not with the usual heavy armor but with a lighter shield, ready to engage with life from a fresher perspective.

If this scene resonates with you, you're already halfway into understanding the experience.

what does microdosing feel like?

Hello curious soul! 

If you're exploring the edges of conventional healing and pondering over the question, "What does microdosing feel like?"...

Let's tap into a land where simplicity meets profound change.

Microdosing involves taking very small, sub-hallucinogenic doses of psilocybin mushrooms, much smaller than the typical recommended dose of 1/10th of a recreational dose, spread out every few days. 

This isn't about tripping; it's about tweaking your normal state subtly and gently.

For someone who feels like modern medicine has thrown a wrench more than a lifeline, this might be the nudge in a new direction you've been yearning for.

Participants experienced microdosing as a catalyst that enabled them to navigate them towards a healthier lifestyle.  

-BMC Psychiatry. 2023; 23: 160 

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When you begin your regimen...

You might notice...

That your daily cup of joe smells more aromatic or that you're noticing textures like never before—the softness of your cotton shirt may feel almost luxurious. 

This isn't just your imagination working overtime; it's one of the microdosing effects where your senses get a gentle boost, enhancing how you experience the everyday world around you. 

You're more present. 

Living in the moment like you might during meditation or mindfulness practice. 

You become more aware of what you are hearing, feeling, seeing, and noticing; it’s like life’s volume has been turned up a notch.

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And how about the chatter in your mind...

Often as loud as a crowded marketplace?

Many users report that during their microdosing days, the background noise lowers, allowing them to focus more deeply and clearly on present tasks

It's as if someone turned the volume knob of your brain's endless chatter to a soothing whisper, making space for more meaningful mental engagement.


You may find the highs to be higher and the lows to be lower. 

Why, you might wonder, would anyone want to feel the lows more acutely? 

Those lower emotional valleys:

  • rage 
  • anger
  • depression 
  • despair 
  • loneliness 
  • fear—

Are just as integral to our experience as the more pleasurable emotions

When microdosing, whatever is simmering under the surface often reveals itself

You might feel energized, creative, exhausted, or encounter a mix of emotional states.

What the mushrooms heighten for you is an invitation to get curious about what lies forgotten, shunned, exiled and shamed deep within you that yearns for healing. 

-Shroom Mystic 

The importance of integration for lasting change

  • listening to your body 
  • journaling 
  • meditating 
  • spending time in nature

These practices help you become more embodied and navigate the emotional spectrum that microdosing unveils.

What does microdosing feel like in social situations? 

Social butterflies and wallflowers alike might find a golden midpoint in their interactions.

If social gatherings usually feel like navigating a minefield, microdosing can soften the edges of social anxiety and enhance your engagement.

Conversations may flow more freely, and listening becomes less of a task and more of an engaging journey. 

The whole point of microdosing, paradoxically, is to not “feel” anything at all.

The dose should be so small there is no noticeable change in your perception. 

However, guidance often suggests a dose of 0.1g to 0.5g, and if you are new to psilocybin, and especially if you are growing your own PAF mushrooms, even the low end of this can lead to mild alterations. 

Always start with a grain of rice-sized dose to test your sensitivity. 

You can always take more, if you wish. 

Our pop-a-pill culture makes us inclined to expect and want immediate effects, but with microdosing, any shifts will be subtle yet powerful, akin to peeling away the layers of an onion.

Balancing the scales

It's important to address a featherweight of caution.

Not everyone's journey with microdosing mushrooms feels like a serene river, especially if you have buried or unaddressed traumas.  

Body chemistry varies, and so do experiences.

Starting with a very low dose and closely monitoring your response can serve as a good compass.

Think of microdosing as a gentle guide, peeling away the layers to reveal insights and heal your neurology quietly. 

Engage in activities that make you feel good and calm your nervous system:

  • meditation 
  • hot yoga 
  • epsom salt baths 
  • yin and restorative yoga
  • breathwork
  • ecstatic dance
  • sound healing 

Bravely step into the cave of trauma knowing that you might be more triggered initially as the wounded psyche is opened, but take good care of yourself throughout the process.

And...always seek the support of a psilocybin-friendly trauma therapist when working with traumas.

What does microdosing feel like? What the science is showing.  

 Recent studies are showing people who microdose mushrooms commonly report feeling:

And listen to what people in our community are saying...

When I microdose, I feel normal but like an enhanced version. I feel more grounded and connected and less stressed over little things.

I feel very present in my day and that’s new for me. I have some significant family trauma that keeps me thinking about the past and worrying about the future.

When microdosing, I was amazed that I was able to just be content and happy in my own skin.

I was able to calm my anxiety down easily and then just move on. That is a never-event for me. I’ve been in therapy for years and read countless self help books and this experience was different.

It was like I was able to live the truths I know about myself and give the truth to myself in the moment.. instead of spiraling and then trying to untangle the feelings later.

I’m noticing that I’m feeling differently about myself even the days I don’t microdose.

Something happened at work that would normally cause me embarrassment and shame.

In that moment I was able to see that it was just a normal part of my job and that no harm was done and that overall, I had done awesome.

Mind blown.

-Mary R, shroommystic.com client and friend

If you are fortunate to live in a decriminalized area...

It would be worth considering growing your own mushroom medicine. 

For those interested in mushroom cultivation, embodying this practice amplifies the gratification as it turns into a deeply personal journey.

Growing your own mushroom medicine for healing is so much THE MEDICINE.

-Shroom Mystic 

Microdosing mushrooms for mental health and happiness has very few negative side effects, unlike pharmaceutical medications which are the stark contrast opposite- filled with poisoning side effects and habit-forming potential. 

You not only foster your physical health but also cultivate a profound connection to the natural world, grounding your experiences in an earthy reality that’s both rewarding and enlightening.

You’re only as young as the last time you changed your mind.

— Timothy Leary

What does microdosing mushrooms feel like?

When combined with integration modalities like:

  • meditation
  • yoga
  • intuitive art
  • ecstatic dance
  • working a 12-step program in community
  • psilocybin-friendly therapy

Microdosing mushrooms becomes an alchemy of change and promotes long-term healing. 

The importance of integrating the lessons offered by microdosing mushrooms cannot be stressed enough. 

After a thorough exploration of your question, "What does microdosing feel like?"...

Ready to plunge into this intriguing expedition of microdosing mushrooms? 

Remember, while the path is dotted with promising blooms, it demands a mindful approach

Equip yourself with knowledge, source responsibly, and, perhaps most importantly, tune in to your body’s wisdom. 

As you gently close the door on skepticism and open the window to curiosity, may your journey be as enriched with insight as the vibrant new world you’re about to discover. 

Dive deeper, learn more, and perhaps, begin your own subtle yet significant adventure into the world of microdosing mushrooms.

Ready to get started? 

Buy my book (readers love how quick of a read this is...) and you'll learn:

  • how to safely start microdosing
  • how to integrate for transformational change
  • how to grow your own magic mushrooms THE EASIEST METHOD KNOWN TO MAN! 
microdosing mushrooms book

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